Saturday, January 26, 2013

You make my heart explode

 I love making and looking at the beautiful treasuries on Etsy.  

What is a treasury?

It is an ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery comprised of lists of items.  Nope, I do NOT get paid for making them nor do I get paid for anybody clicking on them.  All we hope to get out of being a Curator is to get more exposure of our shops, our very own as well as all the ones represented in the treasury.  So click away my friend click away!  When you click on any of the items represented in a treasury it will take you to that item's listing which will give you all the info you would like to know about it.   It's fun and again, doesn't cost you a dime ... unless you decide you can't live without that item and happen to purchase it of course ... but that's not for me to decide.  

Now the reason I like to make treasuries is that it's like making another piece of art for you folks to look at.  I try to make them as beautiful as I think is possible.  Sometimes one specific item can trigger the need inside of me to make another gorgeous treasury sometimes a color gets me going.  But every time I do it I get excited and want to share it with you so that's how they end up here on my site.  You'll be seeing more of them in the future.  And please feel free to let me know what you think of them.  

'You make my heart explode' by simplytatas

















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